Say NO! to Cambie Permanent Housing (CPH)!


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About Us


What is Stop CPH? Stop CPH 是什麼?

Stop CPH was created to demand the Province of BC (BC Housing) and the City of Richmond to stop the proposed six-storey, ninety unit permanent supportive housing designated to replace the two Temporary Modular Housing sites presently in operation in Richmond.

Stop CPH 的成立是為了要求卑詩房屋局(BC Housing)和列治文市政府停止擬議的六層、九十個單元的永久支持性住房,該住房旨在取代目前在列治文運營的兩個臨時組合屋(TMH)。

Where? CPH 在哪裡?

The CPH (Cambie Permanent Housing) site will be situated on the northeastern corner of the intersection at Cambie Road and Sexsmith Road, a bustling commercial and residential hub in the heart of Richmond. 

CPH(Cambie Permanent Housing)將位於Cambie路和Sexsmith路,這是列治文市中心繁華的商業和住宅中心。

When? CPH 何時完工?

The CPH is scheduled to be operation in 2027, the same time when the lease extension for the Alderbridge TMH is scheduled to end. 

CPH 計劃於 2027 年開始營運,同時Alderbridge臨時組合屋的租約也計劃結束。

Why Stop CPH? 為何 Stop CPH?

The City of Richmond and BC Housing have already promised that the Alderbridge TMH would be temporary but extended it nonetheless, as well as making promises that the negative impacts of these sites would be mitigated. The track record of the Province and the City has shown that they will promise anything to approve these sites, but break their promises once these sites are operational. 


Who are we?  我們是誰?

Stop CPH is a collective of concerned Richmond residents and businesses coming together from many neighbourhoods across the city centre. We have experienced and witnessed the negative impacts of the TMH sites in Richmond; some of us have left the historic Chinatown neighbourhood of Vancouver where similar policies destroyed the once thriving and bustling area. We have seen these social experiments wreak havoc across BC and cannot remain quiet, we will not let these activists and politicians continue to destroy communities.

Stop CPH 是列治文各地關心此事的居民和企業的集體。我們經歷並目睹了臨時組合屋的負面影響;我們中的一些人離開了溫哥華歷史悠久的唐人街,那裡的類似政策摧毀了曾經繁榮的唐人街。我們已經看到這些社會實驗在卑詩省造成了嚴重破壞。我們不會讓這些毒品支持者和政治人物繼續破壞社區。


Poor policies have got us into the predicament of rampant drug addiction and crime, and it will take courageous residents and businesses to stand up and demand better of our elected leaders and government policymakers. 

BC Housing and the City of Richmond have broken their promises in Richmond before. They need to go back to the drawing board and re-assess an operational plan that will be able to regain the trust of the residents and businesses of Richmond. 

We love Richmond; we want a safe community that does offer supports to help the homeless, to help with mental health supports, and to offer detox and treatment for those suffering from drug addiction. Warehousing all of these people together will not solve this complex problem, especially when the supports that are promised do not materialize. 

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Stop the Cambie Permanent Housing (CPH) in Richmond, BC

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